Apr 7, 2010

#20: Vegetable Platter

This is not really a recipe, but just an alternative idea to unhealthy snacks - it always disappears before the chocolate when I serve it!

- Celery
- Carrot
- Cucumber
- Dip

How to do it
1. Cut all the vegetables in sticks
2. Serve with dip - EASY!

Just look how much more tempting this looks than the other things on the table! In my opinion at least:)


Anonymous said...

Nam, nam... godt med grønnsaker og dipp. Men du kjenner meg. Sjokoladen hadde også gått ned:)

Anonymous said...

Det var altså fra Aina...

Stine said...

Hehe, sjokoladen gaar saa absolutt ned her ogsaa!:) Jeg skal lage mat til deg naar vi kommer hjem! Takk for kommentar forresten, setter veldig pris paa det!! Haaper dere har det bra:)