May 15, 2010

The Pioneer Woman

I absolutely LOVE this blog/website, it is phenomenal and funny - you should check it out!

She ended up writing a cookbook and is now touring to sign it everywhere in the states!

Also, she has created an online community for everyone that likes cooking where they can post their best recipes!

Baked Potatoes

Here's baked potatoes ala Asle! They are so yummy!

- 8 big potatoes (Depending on how many you are serving, 2-3 per person)
- Bacon
- Onion
- Corn
- Butter
- Cheese
- Sour cream

- Lettuce
- Cucumuer
- Capsicum
- Feta

- Garlic bread if you want!

How to do it
1. Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes and put the oven on 200C.

2. Make the spicy - butter to have in them when done.
Put the butter in a bowl

Put it in the microwave for 10 seconds to make it soft, then mix it together with a fork

Put season in - I used all-purpose seasoining and mix together

3. Cut the onion and bacon in small pieces

Fry it all quickly in a pan

4. Take the potatoes out of the water, put them in aluminum foil and put them in the oven for 10-20 minutes. (If you are not sure when they are done, you should open one potato and check just to be sure!)

5. Put the corn in with the onion and bacon and flavour with some salt and pepper

6. Make the salad
7. Open the potatoes

I normally put the butter on first so it melts

Then I put the bacon, onion and corn

Then cheese and the sour cream + some salt and pepper

You can also serve it with garlic bread if you want to!

May 10, 2010

Wedges with Cheese & Bacon

An extremely easy snack when you have people over! This is a really Australia "dish" - had never had it before I came here.. (Don't have great pictures of this one unfortunately)

- Wedges
- Bacon
- Grated cheese
- Sour Cream
- Sweet Chili Sauce

How to do it
1. Bake the wedges in the oven (10 minutes shorter than the instructions say on the packet)
2. Take them out and put bacon and cheese on top

3. Bake for another 10-15 minutes
4. Serve with sour cream and sweet chili! Easy as!

Breakfast in Bed

Made this simple breakfast for Asle in bed when he was sick last week..

It is only scrambled eggs, bacon and mushrooms, a baguette with ham and cheese and some cereal. And a glass of chocolate milk:)

Food is the way to a man's heart!
(Is that only a Norwegian expression?)