Mar 9, 2010

#10: Pasta Bake

Ups, now it has been almost a week since I posted here - which means that I haven't made food in almost 6 days! (Which means that it has been a really busy - but AMAZING - week!) Last night I made a pasta bake. It turned out pretty good!

- Chicken
- Dolmio Pasta Bake Sauce
- 1 1/2 cup grated cheese
- 2 cups pasta
- And I also added some onion, garlic and mushroom

How to do it
1. Boil the pasta for 8 minutes and put the oven on 220C
2. Cook the chicken (and the onion, garlic and mushrooms for a few minutes)
3. Put the pasta, the chicken (+ onion, garlic and mushroom) in a baking dish
4. And add grated cheese on top
5. Cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown


C E C I L I A said...

Oh, pasta bake! It is so good! :) We had a favourite that we used to make all the time :) Don't remeber the name though - Dolmio but kind of pink/orange-ish sauce, I guess from tomatoes. Sooo good! :) I wish they made them here too. xoxo

Stine said...

Cool! I will definitely try that one:) I know, I am going to miss a lot of the food from here when we move back home.. But love the food in Norway to though! Tomorrow it is Colour Conference!